Economics Program

Why study Economics?

Economists are central players in setting government policy — from social programs to economic development. In the private sector, they contribute to market research for new products, evaluate the impact of mergers, and assess tax policy. If you’re interested in human resources, the environment, international development, international financial markets, or money and banking, you might consider a major in Economics.

The Saint Mary's approach

At Saint Mary’s, you can choose to pursue a major or honours in Economics within a Bachelor of Commerce or a Bachelor of Arts degree. There is a student-led tutorial service throughout the academic year, open to students in any Economics class. A co-op option is available with federal and provincial departments and agencies, as well as various financial institutions. Economics students at Saint Mary’s also have many opportunities for academic exchange, including Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa.

Hands-on research

Recently, Economics students worked with professors as teaching assistants, participated in co-op job placements, worked at the Business Development Centre, volunteered at the International Centre, and helped run an international conference at Saint Mary’s during the summer on Experimental and Behavioural Economics.

Sample courses offered:

  • Development Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Women and the Economy
  • Money and Banking
  • Public Finance: Taxation

Future career opportunities:

  • International trade advisor
  • Policy analyst
  • Financial researcher
  • Securities analyst
  • Program evaluator
  • Health policy analyst

What our students say:

"I came to Saint Mary’s thinking that I was going to study Global Business, but after my first Economics class, I realized that that is what I wanted to do. My dream would be to apply my knowledge into something to help people, maybe open an organization that helps women and children in need, and my time at Saint’s Mary’s is helping me get closer to my goal.”

- Karla Cisneros BComm'10, Honours Economics Major, French Minor, Dean’s List

"The faculty and staff in the economics department at Saint Mary’s were paramount in my success as an economics student. Every professor got to know me by name, and made an honest effort to understand my own individual needs for fully grasping course material (whether it was for their class or otherwise). Even after graduation this help continues. The Saint Mary’s economics department is a support system that I know I will have through the rest of my academic life and into my career. This level of commitment to the individual’s success cannot be found in larger schools."

-Laura Saar BComm'12, Honours (Economics) and Environmental Science Minor

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