British GCE A Level Examinations

A Level Courses Equivalency Chart

British GCE A-Level Examinations Students are eligible to receive advanced standing credit hours for each of the following Advanced Level courses if they achieve grades of A, B or C. Advanced Level (A Level) courses approved for credit:

A Level Courses Approved for Credit Equivalent Saint Mary’s University Credit
Accounting BUSI 1901 and ACCT 2241
Applied Information & Communication Technology CISY 1225
Arabic ARBC 1100
Biology BIOL 1201 and 1202
Business BUSI 2901 and BUSI 2902
Business Studies MGMT 1281 and BUSI 1902
Chemistry CHEM 1210 and CHEM 1211
Chinese CHNS 2901 and CHNS 2902
Computer Science CSCI 1901
Divinity RELS 1901 and RELS 1902
Economics ECON 1201 and ECON 1202
English Literature/English ENGL 1205
English Language ENGL 1901
French FREN 1111 and FREN 1112 
Further Math MATH 1902
Geography GEOG 1901 and GEOG 1902
German GRMN 1101 and GRMN 1102 
History HIST 1901 and HIST 1902
Information Technology CISY 1225
Mathematics MATH 1901
Physics PHYS 1901 AND PHYS 1902
Global Politics POLI 1901 and POLI 1902
Psychology PSYC 1000 and PSYC 1901
Religious Studies RELS 1210 and RELS 1211 
Sociology SOCI 1901 and SOCI 1902
Spanish SPAN 1100 (6) 

Each of the above courses counts as three credit hours with the exception of ARBC1100 and  SPAN 1100 which counts as a six-credit hour course.