Enrolment Data

Total enrolment: 6,415 students

  Full-time Part-time
Undergraduate 92% 8%
Graduate 82% 18%

Students by faculty

Faculty Percent of students
Sobey School of Business 32%
Faculty of Arts 30%
Faculty of Science 24%
Graduate Studies and Research 12%

Student origin

Origin Percent of students
Nova Scotia 57%
Out of province 15%
International (from 117 countries) 28%


Sources of undergraduate students

Source Percent of students
High school 75%
Transfer 17%
(Mature, readmits, upgrading, visiting, audit, and open studies)

Top countries by citizenship status of international students

Country of citizenship Percent of international students
1. India 19%
2. People's Republic of China 11%
3. Bangladesh 10%
4. Nigeria 5%

General Inquiries


University Security:

Emergencies: 902-420-5000
Non-emergency line: 902-420-5577

Cancellation/Closure Hotlines:

Students: 902-491-6263
Faculty & Staff: 902-491-6264

Go to the Campus Directory for faculty, staff and departments.

Social media