Developing Your Career

Join the more than 300 co-operative professionals who have undertaken a master’s level business degree in co-operative and credit union management.

Students use their co-operative as a living lab as they move through their courses. They add value to their organization while in their studies and after by offering new insights on how to maximize value for members, deliver significant impact to their communities and ensure the growth and sustainability of the organization. Our students say they enjoy greater access to and connection with senior executives and their boards because they are bringing increased value to the table.

Co-operators who embark on this education widen their networks, deepen their understanding of the unique co-operative enterprise model and gain knowledge about all aspects of co-operative business. Dozens of our students have advanced their role in their organization during the program or shortly thereafter. 

What Graduates Say

  • 100% of graduates surveyed would recommend their program
  • 98% said their education provided knowledge and tools to improve the social, economic and environmental performance of their co-operative organization
  • Nearly 80% said the program significantly changed how they see, think about and do their jobs