Measuring SDGs

The SDGs and Co-operatives Project

The Centre of Excellence in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives (CEARC) at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, NS have set out to answer the question: How is the Canadian co-operative sector contributing to Canada’s measurement and reporting on SDG impact? Working with co-operatives and mutuals across Canada that are interested in how they can implement the SDGs in their corporate environment, this project will help co-operatives and mutuals understand the impact of, and increase knowledge and action regarding, the SDGs in the co-operative sector.

Co-operative Leaders Need to Lead the Way on Global and Local SDG Adoption

This policy brief calls for co-operative industry associations to implement policies that encourage co-operatives to embrace the SDGs in a way that reflects the co-operative difference. In particular, this brief explores why it is important for co-operatives to measure and report on the SDGs and to link the SDGs to the seven principles of co-operatives. We argue that reporting on the SDGs in the context of the seven principles enables co-operatives to illustrate their co-operative difference from investor-owned businesses (IOB) who are increasingly reporting on SDG performance. We identify key recommendations that are critical in facilitating co-operatives’ adoption of the SDGs and in reporting their performance relative to the SDGs and the seven principles.

Read the Policy Brie - pdf


CPI Advisory Committee

Project Lead:
Dr. Fiona Duguid, CEARC Research Fellow