
You are a part of the Sobey Family - and family supports each other

As an Alumni of Sobey School of Business, you can use Sobey Graduate Career Services for up to three years after graduation. Additionally you have access to Saint Mary’s Central Career Centre and its services, including HireSMU. 

Career Connections Newsletter

This bi-weekly digest is designed to connect you with information and inspiration to keep you moving forward on your own personal and professional journeys. This includes tips and tricks, events, job posting, volunteer opportunities, and some cool links to develop your professional network.

If you are interested in signing up to this mailing list, contact us here to subscribe.

One-on-One Coaching

We provide this service to help you determine your optimal career choices, based on your strengths, goals and insights through one-on-one meetings.  

Resumes and Cover letters

We will review, strategize, and discuss your resume with you to see where we can develop a strong and resonating personal brand to support you in finding your career. We have this service so you will also learn different techniques that you can apply when completing job applications or making a career change.


Career360° provides a home base from which to engage with career-related activities, events, resources, and opportunities as you work toward the path that's right for you. Let Career360° work with your academic degree and unique experiences to prepare you for your life and career you want to build. Explore employment opportunities, book appointments with us at GCS, and track your achievements and experiences. Check it out today!