Human Research Ethics Board
Thank you for considering participation in research!
Research can benefit human society by improving people's understanding of the world and its diversity. People's participation in research makes this possible. Ask the researchers or the Research Ethics Board (REB) all the questions that matter to you at any time. Contact information is available in the research invitation materials.
Answers to Common Research Participant Questions
Exemption review results tell researchers either: that according to the TCPS 2 (2022), the current plan is not deemed "research" with human participants or that a request for initial REB review needs to be sent along. This opinion seeking is optional but is advised as the Step 1 interaction with the REB.
Initial review clearances of the current research plan tells researchers, "Recruitment of research participants may begin with a ready informed consent process."
Initial local review clearances of the current local research plan tell researchers, "Until the other Canadian REB clearance is in place, recruitment of research participants for the SMU-affiliate may begin."
Continuing review clearances of a new information and unanticipated issues report tell researchers, "This is the best way to proceed in light of the new information or event." Some or no alternations may be needed to the research plan moving forward but a discussion is needed.
Continuing review clearances for changes to a cleared research plan tell researchers, "research with participants may continue with the newly demonstrated additions".
Continuing review clearance of an annual status report tell researchers, "The research holds extended clearance for another full year."
Continuing review clearance of an end of study report tell researchers, "The research has completed in a manner that aligns with the promises that have been made to participants."
Two policies exist that cover responsibilities involving research involving humans. The national policy (TCPS 2, 2022) and the home SMU REB's policy. Previous versions of the TCPS were 1998, 2010, 2014 and 2018.